What Our Client's Say About Us... 


When you are a parent who has a child with additional needs, life can be frustrating and exhausting. As a parent you want to do the best for your child, no mean feat for any parent, but having a child with additional needs makes this even more challenging.  You haven't 'walked this path' before, many of your friends don't understand how different it is parenting a child who has extra needs and even if you are lucky enough that your child's school are keen to support, there still seems to be a huge gap in understanding a child's needs and converting medical expertise into the classroom to provide interventions that really help to remove some of the barriers our children face. 

Kylie 'gets it', many of the difficulties my child faces she sees on a daily basis, it was so refreshing and reassuring to me as a parent! By listening and working together, with both school and family members I have seen my son's confidence and self-esteem rocket. He has Developmental Coordination Disorder, and I never thought I would see the day he would ride a bike let alone dance at a local roller disco, yes with roller blades on his feet, and that is all as a result of coming to Inclusive Children’s Therapy.

Kylie has helped our family understand his behaviour and has provided us with 'tools' that have had a huge impact on day to day life. 

As a result, my son is calmer and happier and currently achieving his targets at school.  I really can't recommend Kylie highly enough!

Claire Eaves – Parent


I have worked with Kylie for a number of years now, and with a number of different clients.  Kylie is a very knowledgeable, skillful and professional Occupational Therapist and I would have no hesitation in recommending her to others. She also understands the role of the Case Manager and works very well as part of the multi-disciplinary team. She is proactive in her practice and makes good progress with her clients. The feedback I have from the families that she works with is always positive and her friendly, approachable manner ensures that families have a trusting and strong therapeutic relationship with her.
Tracey Dailly - Case Manager


We have known Kylie for many years and have always found her to be exceptionally professional, from time keeping to planning and carrying out the sessions with our daughter, Ruhi in a way that brings out the best in her.

Kylie has been able to show us with some fantastic 'tools' for use with Ruhi that have helped her to keep calm from a sensory perspective and develop her independence.

Most recently Ruhi has completed a course of Rebound Therapy, which she has thoroughly enjoyed not only has it benefited her co-ordination  and motor skills, but she starts smiling from the moment we arrive until we leave.

Kylie has the ability to make learning fun and enjoyable for Ruhi, because if she was unable to catch and keep hold of Ruhi's attention, Ruhi would simply walk away, and this is something she has done with other practitioners over the years.

Rani Dhindsa – Parent


We can't thank you for enough for all your help, support and hard work in helping us win in our son's SEN tribunal.

Your reports and advice were so comprehensive it was such valuable evidence. My child now has a much brighter future because of your help and extensive knowledge in such a specialist area.

Your evidence and reports were so indisputable and explained easily in layman's terms for all of the court to understand. The reports really got across who he is and how difficult it is for him.

Thank you for everything you have done for us.

Elaine Bailey – Parent


I cannot thank you enough for her help with setting up a management programme for my daughter who has Sensory Processing Difficulties.  We were struggling at school and home with increased anxiety and frequent meltdownsto the point where we were close to giving up on mainstream education altogether.

Since having our daughter assessed and then receiving appropriate help we noticed an immediate and vast improvement in our daughter s symptoms and she is a happy little girl who is managing well at school. 

Our Occupational Therapist was extremely knowledgeable about my daughter's condition and was able to give practical advice and help both to us and to school, which was easy to integrate into everyday life and now we don't even really think about the programme it just happens as part of everyday routine.

Claire Allinson – Parent


I am an Educational Psychologist who has worked alongside Kylie on several cases. She is professional and reliable and I have witnessed her therapeutic work making a real difference to the children that she works with.

On this basis, I have already recommended her to one of the schools that I work with and they have been delighted with the Sensory Integration Therapy she is delivering and the results.

Ruth Whaling - Consultant Educational and Child Psychologist